
    Elizabeth Njoga Model
    Elizabeth Njoga
    Model | AE
    Sara Cardillo Model & Influencer
    Sara Cardillo
    Model | IT
    Alex Alexander Model & Singer
    Alex Alexander
    Model | SE
    Gbadamosi Olanike Atinuke Model
    Gbadamosi Olanike Atinuk
    Model | EG
    Elisa Proietti Model
    Elisa Proietti
    Model | IT
    Shane Chalker Photographer
    Shane Chalker
    Photographer | AU
    Nico Markompotsaris Photographer
    Nico Markompotsaris
    Photographer | GR
    Bragi Kort Photographer
    Bragi Kort
    Photographer | IS
    Tony Rath Photographer
    Tony Rath
    Photographer | BZ
    Attitude Models Modeling Agency
    Attitude Models
    Modeling Agency | RO
    Penelope Massouri Photographer
    Penelope Massouri
    Photographer | GR
    Athos Florides Photographer
    Athos Florides
    Photographer | CY
    Andrea C Samuels Makeup Artist
    Andrea C Samuels
    Makeup Artist | US
    Nicodemo Luca Luca Photographer
    Nicodemo Luca Luca
    Photographer | IT
    Antonio Tomas Trejo Makeup Artist
    Antonio Tomas Trejo
    Makeup Artist | US

    Modelisto is a free public directory featuring important international professionals such as models, photographers, makeup artists, stylists and agencies. Anyone can contribute by nominating professionals deemed significant in their country. The pages are edited according to quality guidelines and visitors can contact directly artists for fashion and advertising projects. Modelisto is building a catalogue with the “greatest modeling professionals in the world”, to be included register your name or create a wiki for your fashion team.

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