You are look­ing for a CRO part­ner to con­sult you on bio­sta­tis­tics and phar­ma­covig­i­lance or to manage
and sup­port your clin­i­cal and post-mar­ket­ing trials?

Since near­ly three decades, ICRC-Wey­er pro­vides tai­lored con­sult­ing and solu­tions for part­ners and clients.

Welcome to ICRC-Weyer!

We are a spe­cial­ized con­tract research orga­ni­za­tion (CRO) based in Berlin, Ger­many. Our port­fo­lio of ser­vices includes high qual­i­ty Bio­sta­tis­tics, Clin­i­cal Data Man­age­ment and Med­ical Writ­ing, as well as spe­cial­ist ser­vices such as Med­ical Data Man­age­ment, Med­ical Review and Phar­ma­covig­i­lance & Safe­ty Writ­ing, all based on a foun­da­tion of thor­ough Sci­en­tif­ic Consulting.

All ser­vices are pro­vid­ed out of our Berlin offices and for all types of clin­i­cal tri­al projects. ICRC-Wey­er’s ded­i­cat­ed team of high­ly skilled employ­ees deliv­ers qual­i­ty results for all tri­al phas­es, whether they are con­duct­ed glob­al­ly or local­ly. Both spon­sors and part­ner CROs ben­e­fit from our long­stand­ing team and time­ly deliv­ery with­in pre-deter­mined budgets.

Our Services

We pro­vide ser­vice for all types of clin­i­cal tri­als and med­ical device stud­ies. ICRC-Wey­er has a ded­i­cat­ed team of high­ly skilled employ­ees deliv­er­ing high qual­i­ty results with­in the cer­ti­fied Qual­i­ty Man­age­ment Sys­tem in accord­ing to ISO 9001. Our spon­sors and part­ners ben­e­fit from our pro­found knowl­edge base and expe­ri­ence that allows time­ly deliv­ery with­in pre-deter­mined budgets.

Our Experience

ICRC-Wey­er was found­ed in 1993 and has con­tin­u­ous­ly increased their ser­vice, grow­ing from a spe­cial­ist con­sul­tan­cy for bio­sta­tis­tics, med­ical writ­ing and psy­cho­met­rics into an inte­grat­ed all-phase CRO with spe­cial focus but not lim­it­ed to clin­i­cal and med­ical device stud­ies to serve our clients in the most effec­tive way.

Head of a female rabbit illustration

30 Years of Experience

Head of a male lion illustration

968 Projects realized

Head of a male fox illustration

97 Risk Man­age­ment Plans

Illustration of a female talking on the phone while being in front of a computer

You are looking for a reliable partner?
Get in touch with us!

ICRC-Wey­er stands for sci­en­tif­ic exper­tise in the CRO world for three decades paired with sense for urgency and under­stand­ing of the needs of our clients. A flat orga­ni­za­tion­al struc­ture and a fam­i­ly-owned com­pa­ny are the guar­an­tee for quick and effec­tive solu­tions in sta­tis­ti­cal analy­sis and med­ical writ­ing. Con­tact us and get an impres­sion of our dynam­ic team and way of think­ing. We are look­ing for­ward work­ing with you soon.